When Chunyi walked by me during a meditation, I saw for the first time the energy column in my torso. The colors were magnificent. It looked as real as my computer now looks in front of me. It was not in my imagination.

I was having a hard time focusing during that meditation, drifting all of the time. But when the energy column appeared, I began to straighten up as if there was a string attached to my spine and someone was lifting me. It was happening automatically without my involvement. And the fog in my mind instantlt cleared.

During the Euphoria meditation the next morning I realized that when he says "your spine gets longer and straighter" it iswas actually happens to the body when the energy moves in the body.

10 minutes after Chunyi had walked by, everything seem to have passed. My understanding now is that when you are in the presence of a master, your energy level automatically rises.

I have been with Chunyi mant times in the past, but never had the experience before. I was told that it is because my energy has risen so that the next level involved the opening of my third eye.