I'm posting this on behalf of Jenny who seems to be having some problem posting -Alex

Hi Alex,

Working on Sunday - Bless you!!

I'm getting PLENTY of pop-ups - the blocker is not on at least where I can find it. My web browser is MS Internet Explorer. I have been able to post in the past but couldn't when I tried before the retreat. This isn't a good time for me to trouble shoot this, and I would like to post to the while my feelings of the retreat are so clear and strong. I will appreciate your posting it for me.

(Alex, I had intended to write a short synopsis of my experience. When I started writing and connected with my feelings, this is what came out. I guess that's the way of the Universe, huh . . . ?)

When I first read of the Qigong Retreat I felt that I absolutely HAD to participate, but for many reasons it didn't seem possible. I expressed this to Learning Strategies and that's when the Magic began. I set my intent, and with the support of the Universe, LS, and others, the path opened for me to attend.

The Magic continued even before the date to begin the retreat arrived. Perhaps a week before the retreat was to start I was exploring (in consciousness) how every major area of my life (relationships, life work, personal security, finances .. . ) were all in transition. I "wondered" where I might find a Life Coach who would coach me from the perspective of how I want to live - a spiritual one, from a place of integrity. Within a few days I received an email from LS about their new Life Coaching Program. Believe it or not, I didn't even make the connection then, but was curious. I did call and talk with Pat to explore the possibility. It felt great! She seemed to know exactly where I was coming from with very little information. My thinking self did throw in a few comments now and then: "better watch out . . . too good to be true . . . ?another money making proposition . . . they couldn't REALLY care about me, could they?"

My heart didn't buy those excuses but I felt very ambivalent. I told Pat that I'd like to let the idea simmer through the retreat and then revisit the possibility. She agreed whole heartedly - it would be totally my decision she said. Pat and I connected briefly throughout the retreat but didn't talk about the coaching program.

I went to the Tuesday night presentation Paul gave about the Life Coach Program. I was amazed at his passion for the program, and his passion to contribute to the good of others every moment of every day. And then, I felt my energy merge with his energy and I ABSOLUTELY KNEW that this program was right for me. I got tickled then when I realized that I had created this opportunity in my life with the intent I had set days earlier and could have missed it by getting hooked by my logical mind. I had brought some practical questions with me to the presentation but suddenly they seemed trite and unimportant. It all felt very simple now, it is the right thing to do.

When I began the retreat I set my intent to be open to experiencing everything that I could with no expectation, and that I did. My experience ran the gaunt. Within the 6 days I was euphoric, distressed, discouraged, encouraged - and through the last few days experienced the sadness of a lifetime, or perhaps lifetimes. I received messages, directions, support and validation of my path. I developed my confidence in my ability to heal myself and others. Although I didn't connect personally with a large number of the people attending, I felt totally connected with everyone there - not for a moment did I feel alone. Most importantly of all (my emotion is overflowing :-) ) I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT OF MY CONNECTION WITH EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE. I give thanks and appreciation to each one of you who chose to join me on this amazing journey - a time of magic - time out of time.

I was most amazed at Chunyi Lin's willingness/determination to share himself totally for our benefit. The Learning Strategies staff were amazing models of experiencing life with love, joy, and compassion, and being present in the moment. Every participant opened their heart to everyone else. There was not one aspect of the retreat that didn't teach me something wonderful.

I love each of you, and I love the energy we created as a group. I will cherish this feeling and visit it often. I will choose to return to it whenever doubt or confusion slips in - whenever I begin to forget who I really am , who we really are - all One . We are going to make a difference in this world - It can be no other way.

With heartfelt love and appreciation,