No. I didn't say this. You just mentioned three or four negative things. I advocate non of them!! SFQ hurts your back, it is a hard pill to swallow, considering doing more,,, considering the fact it has no preceived benefit!!! I don't see all that. I see a possibility of improvement. Something positive. This is why I suggested more practice, a deeper practice. Not to hurt you! I don't want to hurt you, or cause you greater suffering! my goodness :-) I am not that sort of person!
I mentioned common sense, to define a pain. If you aren't comfortable, you can always ask a doctor's advice. I mentioned building your practice comfortably. Sometimes, that can mean altering your present practice, if you are straining something too much to an extreme.
Discomfort can be present in healing too. I practice lotus sitting. Believe me, there can be discomfort with the gains! Tired back, sore pelvis, tired knees. They all diminish for me with more practice. Opening up the sacrum, for me, for instance, involves some discomfort, but I support my intention of doing it and the best side effects to that type of selfwork. I am determined (focused), to do something, I trust the outcome...I've been there before , many times with other things, and I just share my perspective with you, regarding my own expeirence. I have worked myself back from physical damage or illness, a few times in my life with qigong. Sometimes the first steps, or stages, are more difficult. The choices are yours to make. I would say that doing what makes you most happy, is most important. Before you practice anything. It should be enjoyable for you.