No knowledge of Paraliminals that you mentioned. This is a direct quote from the Learning Strategies Corporation web page for Spring Forest Qigong: "Use your mind to eliminate pain and sickness from your body while giving you more energy"

Do a search in this Forum in reference to "breathing". You will find many information on that and many have not master that when they first start practicing SFQ. The healing part takes place and the body will heal itself while we keep at it , not to over do it. Best not to think about what is wrong and what you want to heal. Best to practice it as best as you can and not to ask yourself to do too much.

I could be wrong but it does not sound like you really have the energy to spread yourself with different programs. Why not just pick one of your programs and concentrate at it first.
Not procarstinate, just to give yourself or your body the time it needs to learn something new and appreciate the sepecific of the program that you choose. As you feel better, you can add on.