I just thought I'd share a little, since in the past there have been several post discussing balance during this exercise, and because I like to share my experiences.

A couple / few weeks ago I noticed I was doing the Seven Steps of New Life with my eyes closed. "Wow", I thought, and immediately started having trouble with my balance. Well I've stuck with it and let the movement suffer at times, but wobbling and putting my foot down but I've noted a few things have when things just go right.

The first is that of a straight and tall spine. I've a great improvement in my balance just by correcting my back and head position. I think I try to look at my feet, even with my eyes closed.

The second thing is that over where my mental focus is. I find that my balance is much better if I keep my mental focus on moving the energy and not on my physical self.

In both cases when I make the corrections the difference is like the difference between driving on an old road and a freshly paved one. The noise goes and away and the ride is silky smooth.

It's nice to have things happen that I'll interpret as moving from good to better to best.

You are perfection.