Thanks again to all of you who responded to my question on high blood pressure (Gallen, Jeanne, Iam2). I have been working your suggestions into my practice.

Your interchange, Gallen and Jeanne, was especially helpful. Yes, of course, as Gallen surmised, I am a beginner (two months). However, I find myself in the space you described, Jeanne, where I cannot wait for the Spring Forest Qigong to work. I have to do something now when my blood pressure goes up.

By the way, Jeanne, I find it very comforting to know that you are in this forum group and facing similar BP challenges to mine.

Gallen, I do want to incorporate the practice Jeanne described from the Energy Medicine book, at least when I am undergoing unusual stress and my BP is high. You spoke about it somewhat, but I wasn't able to figure out just how to incorporate it into my practice and still honor Master Lin's guidance about other energy work.

All of you are so supportive, and it is important as I work with Spring Forest Qigong and healing.