Hi, Siverstar,

I am surprised you can already use SFQ for healing. It sounds so good.

I order SFQ level 1 & 2 but hasn't arrived yet. I read the book "born a healer" and can feel the effect of sword finger in my palm. I am in very good general good health and I want to learn SFQ not only for myself. I always think it's good that I can help other people.

I have got a very close friend and his Mum got cancel a few years ago. She has done operation but re-occured laterly. It is sort of in advance stage and doctor didn't recomend operation and other treatment. Bascially she is waiting to die. She got a stroke last month and can't walk now. I gave my friend an e-book of "Born a healer" and told him about this forum but he does not seem to be interested. His Mum is a lovely person and has helped me a lot before. She is in Hong Kong and me and my friend are in Australia. I really want to help her but not sure how can. I don't want to see her dies painfully. I saw my Mum died when I was a teenager and saw may mother-in-law died of cancer. I know how painful can it be. I am planning to visit Hong Kong at the end of this year. Do you think there is enough time for me to learn something to help her. I don't mean to cure her but just at least reduce her pain.

I am in level 1 of Holosync for about 5 months now. I want to go to level 2 but I spend the money on SFQ and may need to wait for a while for next level Holosync. Do you think Holosync & SFQ can work hand-in-hand? Or should I spend all the resouces in SFQ?

Hope you don't mind so many questions. I am just new and can't find other people to talk to about those things.

