Aloha littleboat,

Place your friend's "mum" in the weekly group healing list. You'll find the post named: 1/28/06 Group Healing.

Aloha Gallen,

Artists getting paid for their work-what is the world coming to?

Aloha Jeanne,

Spring Forest Qigong is a non-touch form.

A friend, Diane Miller, Attorney (and SFQ student), created and helped pass Minnesota Statute 146A: Complimentary and Alternative Health Care Freedom of Access Act. If anyone's state hasn't adopted similar legislation, this is really helpful for those looking for quality alternative health care, and those able to provide it. One can check out the bill at:

Aloha SilverStar,

Good question. I don't know what your local laws will allow you to put out there, since you are not a certified Spring Forest Qigong Practitioner. Charging is just an exchange of energy, as

Does it work to say there is a wonderful healing modality they can learn and use as followup/maintenance after working with you?

Aloha All,

The Guide program was set up to give practitioners a more thorough background into SFQ and the Level I and II work, so they can give "introduction" sessions to SFQ, or lead a group through the home study course. It was a wonderful class, and is currently being "honed" for future trainings.

The Instructor Training course, which is currently in development, will take applications and be by invitation only. Level I-IV and Guide Program completion will be mandatory. This will be intensive work, as the level of healing ability, understanding of energy, the body, Spring Forest Qigong, and Qigong history, will need to be high for Master Lin to give SFQ's "stamp of authenticity."

I'm not going to go into "How much meditation a serious student needs to do" here. One can do Spring Forest Qigong 24-hours a day and not have to be a monk, however geting to the Level expected in the Instructor Training, will require some diligence, time in meditation (I'm not talking Holosync), and purification of energy/spirit, which Master Lin can see.

Chunyi talks about how people get so caught up in "technique." That's where certification becomes more of a challenge from his perspective -Spring Forest Qigong's work is from the heart. There are a lot of very good "Qigong Scholars" out there that can talk the talk, and walk you through a thousand exercises, but haven't really done the work to a be at an energetic, emotional, and spiritual place to truly "teach" the work.

More than the wonderful exercises and mediations in the Level I -IV courses, and Born A Healer book- what's simply said throughout the Level I course and written at the end in "Discover the Beauty of Life," is where its at.

Thank you all for the wonderful dialogue.

Much Love, Shawn