Josiah, I started with the book, 3 weeks ago and my course a couple of weeks ago, and I have noticed a decreased need for sleep as a result of SFQ.

I am 56. It is a fact that back then meant 8 hours a night to be in decent shape for the next day, throw in a couple of cups of coffee, too, please. After 1 week with the book I noticed that getting up 30 minutes earlier than normal was not bothering my need for sleep and I was feeling something. I get the course and after 2 weeks with that I am up 1 1/2 hours earlier than normal, so I am getting 6 1/2 hours sleep and feeling charged up, and on fire!(No pun intended) I feel great, and my energy carries me beyond the end of the work day. Before SFQ I had trouble with enough energy to get me to the end of the work day. But now I need to get up a little earlier because my active exercises are running 45 to 55 minutes long and is out of balance with my 30 to 45 minute meditation, which is to be twice as long. The solution for how to find more time is in the universal energy, and I will be listening.

Side note, I have given up coffee and Yin Yang water or tea are just fine.

Hope this helps,
