Hi 4space,

I got the gold level (parts one and two) but quickly added on the third level.

my initial thinking was that it would take me so long to get through the course that adding on the third level later would be just as good - but I found in skimming through the material that I just could not resist having level 3 right away.

so far I am still completing the essential instructions. I have taken a couple small hints from later in the course because I wanted to make a purchase decision now, not whenever I get that far in the course. but one of the fun things I am finding is that I am thoroughly enjoying doing each step of the essentials - rather than wishing I was farther along. Most would have finished essentials more quickly, I suspect - my life is pretty full so I cannot work on any one thing daily usually.

As far as benefits seen so far: Feng Shui is something I have wanted to do for myself for many years (rather than using a consultant) but the study of it on my own was too confusing to feel confident about what I was doing. I cannot give you any miraculous concrete experience (except I was really surprised by the quick one I mentioned here that was truly non-conscious and a fun surprise). on the other hand, i can say i feel like this program is the missing link in my spiritual studies. I feel anchored to have a feng shui program that I feel is giving me sound direction for making changes and choices in my home/office. and with this "feng shui" piece added to my spiritual/personal growth quest, I now feel a very quick and substantial increase in confidence. So, I guess that is a pretty big benefit - come to think of it.

I don't know what you want to know about my home. I am in the southwest. love the desert my home is a 6 year old remodel.. but I don't know what your question is referring to...

Thanks for asking, though. I just returned from a trip, and was thinking on the way home my next step. and, answering your question makes me realize the benefit I am already getting.
