Hi delacy,

Seems like you are having a lot of fun with the course.

I have ordered the full course but haven't got it yet as it may take a little time to get to me as I am in Australia.

I have read every book I could find on feng shui. Photoread books on feng shui, did direct learning on feng shui and experimented on it here and there and had been looking around for ages for a feng shui course I could do at home but nothing seemed right until now. I have people that want me to do feng shui of their places and I don't think I could do it properly without everyone getting confused until maybe now. Anyway I am very interested in this stuff so I will probably go over this course many times with great enthusiasm.

I am interested in moving to another place so I want to make sure the place I move to already has some good feng shui to it.

I was wondering if you were living in a unit, apartment, flat or house etc. and if it is better to live in one over another. Also I am interested in buying a house that is L-shaped and wonder if there is any problems with that. The house looks like it would be perfect for me.

Hi DesertSphinx,

I wasn't at the retreat. I live in Australia and have no desire to travel overseas. I did a lot of travelling around the world at one time but the novelty has well and truly worn off for good.