I finished reading the book last week. Skimmed the "image streaming" archives on Anakin's site and have photoread two books so far.

After reading different methods in the archive and the overview in the PR book, I would appreciate if someone could clarify a few things.

1. Several people mentioned that they activate from 30min. to 2 hours. What exactly is being done during this long period? The book refers to speed/dip and rapid reading, answering questions formulated in the preview step and then mind mapping. I may be misunderstanding this, but it seems like this would not take very long.

2. As described, mindmapping appears simple. The example in the book is clear on how to do it. However, when I actually sat down to try it with one of the two books I have read, I had nothing to write? The example seemed simple since I understood where the keywords and concepts were coming from. But when I sat down to do this with a book that has no example to identify with, I had nothing.

3. What is an average speed for photoreading? Several people said that they became faster with practice. I can understand that the mind becomes more receptive. So does this mean I am possibly flipping pages to fast for my subconscious to pick up?

4. Is it necessary to re-photoread books with content that I would like to have a full knowledge of? I guess this question is based on whether I am doing the procedures correctly.

Thanks for any feedback.

- Shawn