1. You are exactly right. After PhotoReading your book at 25,000 words per minute, and 30 minutes of incubation time, you begin to manually Activate the book into your conscious mind. This is done by priming your "other-than-conscious" brain with Mind Probing questions. Then, you SuperRead & Dip through the whole book, stopping at "trigger" words
which begin answering your questions and satisfying your purpose. Arranging your trigger words on a Mind Map helps you achieve long-term memory.

2. The book you Mind Mapped, how much time did you spend reading it before hand? How did you plan to use what the book had to say?

3. Here's an example. Let's say one of your books would require you to spend 10 hours to regular read it once. A beginning PhotoReader can take the same book, spend 3 hours, and achieve better comprehension with long-term memory. In those 3 hours, they will have 3 to 6 passes through the book cover-to-cover in 30-minute Activation sessions, building layers of comprehension and understanding. And, with use, it drops from 3 hours to 2 hours, and so forth. The PhotoReading Personal Learning Course is ideal for mastering the process at home. Also, you can learn the system in just one weekend by enrolling in a live PhotoReading seminar.

4. Re-PhotoReading a book at the beginning of your Activation session helps cultivate the channel between your conscious and "other-than-conscious" mind. If you have a highly detailed book, plan to spend several 30-minute Activation sessions. After a few sessions, your understanding of the entire book will begin to "gel."