I know of two other high speed self-study programs that might be of interest.

1) Subliminal Dynamics. The input process of "mentally photographing" the printed page is similar to PhotoReading, with a couple of differences. For both, the words a minute is merely determined by how fast you can get words to go past your eyes. 25,000 wpms per minute is the average book going at one flip a second. Flip faster, get more.

Their home study course, while disappointingly thin on practical activation techniques other than speed reading, is more than just reading, because it gets into other self-improvement areas.

If you are looking for mind candy, then you might enjoy their course. If you are looking for a solid information processing course, you might be wanting a lot more.

2) Reading Genius. This course has a different approach, although it uses a high speed process that looks similar to PhotoReading. At one point they say that the process is not for taking in information but to trick the brain, so that when you slow down to regular speeds it is easier to read significantly faster.

The most consistent complaint that we've heard is that people do not like the drill sergeant regimented approach of the course.

They also recommend listening to high energy music when reading, which can turn into a crutch for someone when they don't have music available--like in a library.


Howard Berg's Mega Memory deserves a mention simply because of their intensive advertising in the late 1990s. That course simply uses a speed reading approach. While they claimed 25,000 words a minute in their marketing, there is nothing in the course that leads people there. As a matter of fact, at one point in the course Howard says something like, "And I know someone up in Canada who has reached 5,000 words a minute."

I think his marketing people led him astray, because Howard is a kind and sweet guy who has truly mastered speed reading.


Which course is best? I firmly believe that PhotoReading will give you more practical tools to process, understand, and use information.

We back the course with a coaching staff that is available free of charge during business hours. In other words, you can call or email a coach whenever you need help or guidance. We've probably heard it all by now, so I am sure we can help anyone.

If you cannot decide which course, then buy and use all of the courses. Return the ones you do not like--everyone has a satisfaction guarantee--and keep the one you like. I only know of one who returned the PhotoReading course, but I can think of many who have returned the others and kept PhotoReading.