oh, I'm not sure if it's mentioned on the Polyphasic Sleep threads, but the natural rythm for a person is a 25 hour cycle. Perhaps this was set when the earth had a different rotational rate, or perhaps we come from Mars (look it up). Studies were done with people who were put in a room with no external references to time (e.g. clocks, windows, etc). They naturally fell into a 25 hour cycle of wake/sleep.

When I had the ability to set my own hours, I was tempted to give myself a schedule where I started at 9:00 am monday, 10:00 am tuesday, etc... and then would do a quick "reset" on the weekend to get back to a more normal pattern.

I also know a man who suffers from severe delusions and believes himself to be a dragon. He has a 37 hour wake/sleep cycle. I'm not sure if he has a steady job or not, but he does make some interesting driftwood sculptures. I'm not sure if it's a psychological abberation related to his delusion, or something physical. He does have Krone's disease.