As the first I wished for the car of my dreams, although I had not enough money for it. I saw myself driving it, opening it's door .... It happened just in a couple of weeks, my bank offered me a high credit, it was very unexpected. But I got it and in less than one month I was driving it.

The debts were (are) very high, though I wished for money and saw myself as somebody was giving me money. It also happened in less than 2 months; I lost my job and this somebody was the social worker giving me money every month.

Okay, it was the wrong dream (imagination). This time I imagined myself looking at my bank statement and see a big amounth of money there. It also happened. I lost my father and this money was his legacy that was reffered to my account.

As you see, everything happenes, but in a very wrong way for me. Actually in the worst possible way. Now I am afraided of imaginations and affirmations. And ask myself: WHY?

Can somebody help me? I am by the end of everything.
