Oh Ariane,

The loss of the job is bad enough however the pain of losing your father... I can understand your fear of manifesting.

You know of course there is the possibility that your father was going to pass away you have no control over that. When you looked at manifesting the money connected with the bank account the universe might have seen your fathers passing as an opportune moment to send you that money. Not being heartless, but not everyone inherits money when their father passes on. It may have been on the cards that you were not to inherit anything.... we don't know.

I know it makes you want to avoid manifesting but change happens anyway.

When you are ready to return to focusing on your manifestation goals I suggest the following.

When focusing on manifesting make sure you don't just see yourself. Add the feeling of happiness and joy. These visualisation worked yet there was no feeling involved so the universe was neutral. The universe doesn't think good and bad to it everything just is. If you want to manifest and enjoy your manifestation. see yourself like a child receiving the Christmas present you wished for in your visualisations. Add the positive feelings. And when it doesn't manifest as fast as you want realise the delay is it wouldn't have the joy attached if it manifested as fast as you might want.
