As I change and learn, I like to re-examine the things I believe in. I now believe that ideas can be true, partly true, false, or the answer is unknowable. One of my beliefs that I have re-eamined is my view on Evolution. I used to think that clearly evolution was true and the fossil record was proof of this fact. Then came intelligent design

wikipedia definition - Intelligent design

Which I initially dismissed as an idea pushed by people with an agenda, but then I looked deeper at their ideas. I also researched things like Rupert Sheldrake's morphic fields and the changes in wing color of the Peppered Moth in England as the amount of air pollution had changed in the last 70 years.

What if both sides of the debate are partially correct? What if a force occansionally stepped in to modify the traits of a population so it could surive, but sometimes this force did not act in time. Perhaps we could call this force Gaia or The Force. This force might appear to some to be a god, but it might possibly be more accurately described as the consciousness of this planet. This consciousness is aware and it thinks but in a way that is very alien to our way of thinking.