Aloha HF;

There are volumes and volumes of knowledge we do not know, it makes great dust collectors. Not likely to be used until such a time it is rediscovered and needed for some practical use. The original documentation will probably not be used at all.

I try to be more pratical with the unknown. If it is useful practical knowledge then it falls into the realm of "living knowledge" unlike the volumes of books that sit in a graveyard waiting to be discovered once again. Maybe never because they had no value for the living.

I think you are correct in the process of discovering what we do not know but this has to have some application to life or it is of little use and will be forgotten.

Then there is the follow through to figure out how to use this new knowledge and assimilating it into ones life. Then boiling it down to some principle that has many applications in many places.

To discover things we do not know just for that purpose is similiar to the martial arts phrase "movement for the sake of movement" is a waste of time.

Confucious opens a door but does not take you to the other side.
