Morning HF;

My observation is that you are introducing the attitude or feeling towards what the Universe has to offer rather than useful or unuseful knowledge.

You can be Happy towards everything in life, it sometimes takes a little work getting there but can be attained.

Regarding knowledge and research. I tend to believe that the mind will also follow the rules of thermodynamics in processing information, where as a machine runs it is also breaking down and at some point will have to be rebuilt or replaced. Not the mind but the system it uses.

When you are researching you come across much info, that when verified is found not to work or apply to the research at hand. Maybe you make a note of it for further work later or toss it out all together. If you try to hold to all of this and not "let go" it's like the sewage lines backing up.

I like the toss out method better because if it had any value, it will surely resurface again. If you have a good memory this isn't much of a problem or loss.

It was said that Tesla could build a machine in his mind, start it up, then return in a couple of weeks and see how things were running.

Don't get me wrong. I do love to get lost in a large library filled with dusty old books and see where the spirit takes me and stay there for days. It is a great treasure to have access to.

To go to the book store here and see all these books from all religions, mystics, scientists, self help, etc, etc, etc. and feel a connection to all these authors in the same place. What a great thing. But this is as a person just relaxing with a coffee in one hand and the greatest story ever told in the other.

To leave and wear ones hat to me is also training. It is getting focused, yet relaxed. It has been said to me that the symbol of the sword is what represents the intellect or knowledge in the subconscious, and so I find training with the sword applicable to what I am doing in life. I am no great swordsman but it teaches me much.

To add some scientific uncertainty here. Maybe your scientific research is not about what is "out there" but what is internal.

I hope that gives you some clarity.
