Sorry I am so late in getting back to this. My computer or my isp. one or the other is sick and I don't know which.

That IS a good piece of poetry! And it seems to end all discussion. However, God is a man -made concept. We haven't run into other sentient beings who can dispute this issue, yet.

But man made god to explain to himself that great power that resides within himself. Essentially, the human body IS virtually the house of some greater awareness and intelligence than we CAN exhibit in our ordinary conscious awareness on an every day mundane level...reality as we percieve it.

And because the presence of all that power that is residing, seemingly within our own brains and bodies, is very uncomfortable for us to acknowledge as ours, we have projected that power outward in the form of GOD, so that we can live with it until such time that we evolve to a state where we can own the power we have been created to own.

Lilo and Stitch is my favorite creation story. It is probably the most accurate creation story, metaphorically speaking, every produced by our society, world wide. It is clearly an intuitive creation in itself and speaks vast volumes about the state of the whole creature called "human being". Individually, we are all a cell in this Concious Human creature. So, in asking what came first, the world, or the human....Well, perhaps, the mad scientist came first...and we are s/he!

Believe what you will. Belief has more to do with an individuals reality than is recognized. It also has more to do with a place called "earth" than is realized. Without the gestalt group called HUMAN creature...who hold the beliefs in place...there may well NOT be an earth at all. Or physical cohesion, either. on this level of existance.. =o)