
Also, if children do "believe" in e.g. Santa Claus up until the age of 6, why does Santa not exist thanks to that shared belief? (there are a lot of under-six year-olds out there) Do things only "manifest" if believed by adults? Why, is the power of children's belief in Santa substandard to the power of a post-six year-old's NON belief in Santa Claus? If their belief is not substandard, then where are all the dragons and witches and ghouls?

Well, actually they DO manifest Santa Claus, just not in the same way we adults would think of it as a manifestation. Surely you've been to a shopping mall at any point between the middle of November (or earlier in some places) and Christmas Eve, and there he is, in his castle or igloo, or what have you!!!

Just because the manifestation isn't clothed in the "reality" we students of manifestation would consider "proper", I think these kiddies do a bang-up job of getting the whiskered one to appear, and besides that, they've even trained their parents to make sure to help them "write" to the man in red. And in Canada, any child can address a note to Santa, stuff it in an envelope and simply put HOHOHO on the outside of the envelope, and it'll get delivered (and in some very special cases, answered personally) - all the requests are read by a very special group of Santa's "helpers" at our Canadian Postal Corporation. I'd say that's some pretty strong manifestation from the wee ones.

On a side note, I actually believed in Santa until almost eleven years old. Because I was already used to seeing things others didn't see, just because I couldn't see him, didn't mean he didn't exist - I just figured he had to be at the North Pole to supervise the elves and reindeer, and was truly disappointed, disillusioned and majorily ticked off when my mother hauled me out of bed that fateful Christmas to clue me into her "reality".

Regards the dragons, witches and ghouls - since the focus is only for a week or so before Hallowe'en (more if you live in a highly commercialized city), the manifestation of these, in the form of "trick-or-treater's" running through the streets is pretty real - and I well remember a few Hallowe'ens where some pretty spooky stuff happened. So who's to say that this isn't some sort of "manifestation" from the minds of the young? Just because it doesn't fit our "adult" parameters, again, doesn't mean that it "ain't so"!

Giggles and cheers!