Hi HF;

I guess you would have to give us your definition of "reality" since this seems to be the pivot point of which the discussion has turned. Because of your view of Santa Claus I believe that the definition is limited and does not encompass all that it could.

Although chunking down and trying to isolate something does have it's place, when dealing with things like mythology, your definition does not fit. Although here is something that truely exists.

Some people like myself accept this reality and yet you seem to think we are deluded. The artist who sees something and creates a painting or a sound. Where was this before it hit your reality?

I still think of the Scientist who dissected the Goose who laid golden eggs to find out where they came from. Then they didn't really exist.

I would be inclined to believe that the Scientist who couldn't see Santa Claus is deluded.
