Hi QBaby,
Spring Forest Qigong is a gentle, simple form of Qigong - it is tailored for use by anyone who needs it and was specifically developed so that it could be most effective for healing.
The key is to build up your practice very gradually and only do what you are feeling comfortable with at the time. Also keep reading Chunyi Lin's chapter on loving kindness - as he repeatedly says throughout the course - it is an open and positive state of mind that will help the most in reconnecting you with the healing energy.
When you encounter any form of scaremongering about the negative effects of this or that healing practice (and there are many healing practices which get bad press for completely unsusbstantiated or overblown reasons and usually due to ignorance), try reminding yourself how many negative effects are caused my mindsets that are weighted down by negativity or fear in the first place. (Why do we all need healing?!)
I have been practicing Level 1 SFQ for almost three months now and I can only cite benefits to my physical and mental wellbeing (for example, I had excruciating chronic back pains before I discovered SFQ and they are now almost completely gone).
Remember that there is a network of support here at the forum, so as you build your practice and you want to ask questions or share experiences, you can do that whenever you most need to.
Best of luck...