Mistakes are relative to what you personally think is right and wrong.
Mistakes can also be relative to what works and what doesn't work for you personally.

The definition we give the word mistake is a very personal definition, and it is vital to change your definition of what a mistake is, if you want to succeed in areas you haven't before.

Not everybody defines their mistakes in the same way. If you're a priest you could call a mistake a mistake because it was evil to do such and such. If you're a manager a mistake could be a mistake because you didn't do what worked.

Mistakes are relative to what your values are. How you identify a mistake is what will make Natural Brilliance work for you or not totally for you. Natural Brilliance on it's own won't work to make you wealthy for instance if you see that it is wrong to be wealthy and right to be poor, a mistake will be aiming in the wealth direction. It will be "correct" for you to stay poor.

The Natural Brilliance Cycle will get you what you think is right. Am I correct in saying that if you believe that it is correct to be poor, no amount of listening to Natural Brilliance will help.

The conclusion of it is this,

1) Redefine your general definition of what a mistake is to you. List 10 points of what a mistake means to you. Again, a priest would define a mistake differently to the definition a Multi Billionaire would give the word mistake. How you define your mistakes will define your future success.

2) Listen to the Belief Paraliminal to alter unhelpful beliefs of what is right and wrong or expedient and not expedient.

3) Activate your Natural Brilliance to go in the new directions, Natural Brilliance will then take you in the direction you really want to go faster than if you had not generally defined what a mistake means to you.

This is just an idea I have,
You are welcome to criticize.

Maybe the obvious is not so obvious.