I just want to echo what has already been said here.

I have been doing T'ai Chi Ch'uan and various forms of Qigong for over 25 years. And the only danger in my life is when I am not doing it! And by that I mean, I slip back into patterns of life that are not as healthy (like spending too much time on internet forums! ) and my health is not at the optimum level it is when I am practicing consistently.

Having said that, I do believe that there are dangerous forms of Qigong. Those that are used to toughen the skin or bones for martial purposes or for demonstrations and performance can be very dangerous. An example of this is the qigong that is often called "Iron Shirt" and others of its ilk. Any of these kinds of qigong, especially practiced without supervision, I have little doubt can be harmful.

However, SFQ is no where near that type of extreme practice. On the contrary! It is a totally safe and well designed system (really a "modular" system), that allows the practitioner to progress at their own pace on their own schedule. It offers a multi-media "kit" to help one learn in different ways and in different learning modes. And unlike many other Qigong videos or books (many of which are still excellent), it has an online forum (this) and telephone coaching. Both of these I have been using along with my practice and I find them EXTREMELY helpful. For example, many of the suggestions given in this very topic are valuable and will help beginners and actually anyone at any level.

I am no expert, but I am an experienced amateur. And for what it is worth, I can tell you with little doubt in my own mind, that this is a superior form of qigong, brilliantly developed, taught and presented by Chunyi Lin and his production team and marketed and supported by Learning Strategies.

In the just two months or so that I have been practicing it, it has helped me virtually eliminate my migraines and some back pain, as well as some fatigue and other problems I have been experiencing. I also have some other health problems such as high cholesterol and a hiatel hernia (acid reflux) that I am very optimistic it will also help me improve (the latter condition has already improved and I am almost completely off of my medicine with that).

Even when I still get the migraines, if I can at least do about an hour of SFQ (half hour each of active and sitting), I can almost guarantee that my migraine will be gone. If I have two hours, it will certainly be gone. Every time. Like clock work.

In addition, I am right now in the middle of some serious job-related stress and anxiety and when I do the SFQ, I not only feel better, but I feel more in touch with "long forgotten love, kindness, forgiveness", that is helping me heal on a whole 'nother level.

The only danger, as far as I am concerned, is the terrible waste and shame it would be to not utilize this treasure trove of a system.

And as always stated throughout the course, if one has a specific condition one is working on or a specific concern, fear or symptom, one should consult one's health care professionals to play it safe and secure.


Good practice & health to all!
