Perhaps you're right.. ;-))

So maybe you can help me enhance my present tecnique of activation.

I think that the more I use my present tecnique, the more I'll get skilled in using it.

So.. maybe it's better for me continue working with my present activation and enhance it on my own..

I use Mind Probing, SuperReading and Dipping to find the answers.. but I have to work more to take the things I found in the book in a MindMap..

Perhaps I didn't go easy on myself in this step.. I have to mantain a child like approach..

A last thing.. What do you think in using memory techniques such as loci to retain and organize things? I'm not very skilled in using it but perhaps it will help me in organize informations..

The question is: Is Activation step itself, with mindmaps, enough to retain things well or a good memory tecnique will boost my retain level?

I keep trying to answer myself ;-)))

I found that my mind tells me that if I take activation step well, with comprehension in layers, I will find that my retain level it's good enough for me..

This will happen because the goal of memory tecniques is to put, in some way, things in the long term memory.. but the activation step, working with a lot of intelligences and both the CMind and OTCMind, will bring the same effect to me..

What do you think of my reflections?

Thx for all!!

