sharkurav, you've gotten great responses. However, I want to share the thought that came to my mind, just from reading your subject line.

Yes, you want to be aware, open, connected to the universe all the time. However, I that the More time or Times to be in reference to actual meditation practice. To me this is a question of where you put your energy is where you get your results.

In my perceptions, more times would mean that I am clearing my channels more often and connecting to the universe more often. To me this is helping myself to be in a healthier state. While more time, means longer and eventually deeper meditations.

So to me both are right, depending on what you wish to create. If you want to focus on your health then do the more often. If you want to develop your ability with qi then do the longer meditations. Now just to clear things up with some mud, these two variations are not clearly one or the other. In time I believe that each would bring you to about the same place. However, what is the balance you wish to create in your life.

You are perfection.