I have two somewhat related Small Universe questions:

1) I often drift off in the middle of Small Universe and lose my place. I use different approaches to find my way back. If I am using the recordings, most times I just kind of wait until the "Om" of the lower tantien comes back around (that is the most distinctive one, as it shorter and a little more fragile or softer. And the "Mo" before it, for the heart area, is also the longest "Mo"). If I am not using the recordings (something I just started trying), I just either go back to where I left off (If I remember), Or I start from the closest center I can remember I did, or I just start over again. What works best for you?

2) One thing I have played around with that is almost "drift free" for me is chanting the word on the exhale to push it to the next center, then just listen and sort of "think in my mind" (if I am using the recording) or just "think in my mind", the word on the inhale. This makes it harder for me to lose my place (especially since the beginning of "Om" is the end of "Mo" and visa versa) since I am actually using sound inside my body to help me move and focus the energy. Is it better to do that or to justlose one's place and use the "silent" approach (silent as far as vocalizing, since there is the recording and/or the sounds inside oneself).

Good, better, best responses are fine and I understand that My mileage may vary with someone else's approach. But also maybe Chunyi Lin may have commented on this somewhere or taught it.


