I've used Holosync, paraliminals and the Sedona method all in a relatively short period of time. There has been some fairly harsh banter going back and forth, but what we need to understand is that each person's experience is just that, it's their own personal experience and therefore can only be subjective.

What works wonders for some could possibly lead to dismay for others. Why are there so many diets on the market? Why are there so many different fitness programs? Why so many different majors to choose from in college?? Why so many different kinds of coffee??? The answer is that one size does not fit all when it comes to defining and designing the lives we lead.

The first step of course is to determine that there's a need. Then, to quote the president of Learning Strategies, "Just as there are many ways to get to Chicago, there are many ways to accomplish your goals...". What one must do is examine the choices that are available, do some research, and then make an intelligent choice based on the information we obtain. We do it every day. More importantly, that's all we can do. And if by chance we make a mistake along the way, we reevaluate our choices. Not critically or harshly, because we're all doing the best we can with what we know at any given moment. We are constantly evaluating and reevaluating our progress on whatever path we happen to be on at any given time in our life and make the necessary adjustments to reach our destination.

I said before that I've used Natural Brilliance, Sedona,and Holosync. It occurs to me that the process I just described is a good example of the Natural Brilliance model in action - Release, Notice, Respond, and Witness. Gee, it must be working. (I just noticed that!)

I came to the LSC website during a time of depression and upheaval in my life. I quickly purchased and proceeded to try to use almost every paraliminal available. (Notice that I said that I tried to use all of them.) I read all I could in the forums, and they kept mentioning Natural Brilliance, Holosync, and Sedona. I wanted them all! I had a strong need for releasing some things that had pretty much immobilized me for some time, so although I enjoyed NB, I decided to invest in the Sedona method for some deeper relasing.

Now I must say that I was in a pretty severe stuck state at the time, which is why I invested in Holosync as well. What appealed to me about Holosync was that it was not cognitive for me. That is, it didn't require any preparation or conscious effort. I liked that. I could just put on the headphones, listen, and think about anything I wanted (which is actually encouraged by the way since it brings up subconscious issues into conscious awareness). My difficulty with Holosync was that it brought up an extreme overabundance of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety for me. Enter the Centerpointe support line - they were absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!. I am so thankful they were there. They really helped me to get through a rough time in my life. I can't say at this time whether Holosync in and of itself has provided much in the way of results, but one thing is certain. Centerpointe was there for me at a time when it seemed that I was in my darkest hour, and for that I'm eternally grateful.

Blessings to all,