This really goes into the question of the value of pain. Obviously, change doesn't have to be painful. However, there is a certain amount of discomfort in a great many activities which do produce positive results. Assuming that the Holosynch program isn't simply producing mental anguish in order to provide a placebo effect that change is indeed taking place, then the question becomes is the pain needed in order to "awaken" into a life with more joy and less pain?

My theory, untested as it is, is that somehow the act of consciousness during delta entrainment produces a state where the "ego" and "shadow" merge, because of the difficulty of thought at this level. The "awakening" is painful because it involves embracing those aspects of ourself we wish to deny. This is not something unique to Holosynch. Any program of meditation will eventually create an integrated state where the twin demons of the Ego and the Shadow will fight with the authentic "self." I've even had the experience with paraliminal tapes (e.g. having extrememly unpleasent memories pop up while listening to the Memory Supercharger, almost screaming out during Belief, having a relapse after Self Esteem Supercharger). The key to this probably is the detached perspective of witness. Especially, I say, when dealing with the past. Painful memories tend to be forgotten - I have often said aloud the word "no" when a painful memory spontaniously recollects. The key to actually dealing with it is to vividly remember the experience, and to name every emotion felt. The act of naming integrates the emotional limbic centers with the Boca region. This helps, as the limbic system has very little sense of "then" vs. "now" vs. "maybe." Naming an emotion affirms the reality, and also lets the whole mind accept that the experience is in the past, and that the entity has survived. It's something I learned from a Tantrik Black-Hat with a degree in psychology, so I'm not sure if this is coming from the psychologist or the lama, but either way I've found it to be very good advice.