I have read your postings on this topic with interest. I too have a strong interest in lucid dreaming and I have ordered the relevant Hemi-Sync CD's.
I will continue using Centerpointe as the mainstay of my development program. Unlike yourself I was not a particularly happy person. I was abused a lot as a kid (the focus of drunken beatings) and went to a dozen different schools between the ages of five and fourteen. Although Holosync has been painful, after fourteen months of involvement I am much happier and centered within myself. I empathise with your points about pain not being neccesary;but I do not agree. Most meditative disciplines (which is what Holosync is) involve suffering. On a brighter note my meditations over the past month have been blissful, I also seem to have a lot more energy.
Anyway all the best in your growth.

