I recently bought the Genius code and decided to do the 30 day challenge. I listen to Win's tape each time I do the HTT. When I have finished the 3rd image stream and am suppose to compare, I am so deep I usually can't recall the 1st image stream so it's difficult to compare all three of them to answer the question. Any suggestions on countering that?

In additon, I taped my image streams, but they didn't seem to make sense when I finish so I just left them. I finally re-listened to the interpreting information CD, then listened to my taped image streams and drew what I got.

I was amazed. Does anyone elses inner mind have a sense of humor or do physical puns? It's not the way my conscious mind thinks!

For example I got a small dragon with very large feet standing next to a stop sign, when I asked why it was there, it took hold of the stop sign, leaned back on it's tail and showed me it's feet. After a while it dawned on me it meant, Stop draggin your feet.

Another example, I had asked what I should do about a minor health problem. I was thinking of going to the doctor. I got some information on what to do about it, then some crows with large bills and one duck showing off it's bill. My interpretation was, Duck the big (doctors) bills.

Now I can hardly wait to decode my image streams, because every once in a while there are those zingers. Does anyone else get specific answers that are put so hunorously?
