I think you may have misunderstood the theory behind holosync. Here's an excerpt from the CRI newsletter archives where Bill Harris addresses this point. Hopefully CRI wont mind me pasting copywrighted material from their website, given that this basically amounts to advertising for them.

<Bill Harris quote>
My outlook on the healing of so-called dysfunctional feelings and
behaviors is different than the current pop psychology outlook, which could
be described as "you've got all this 'stuff' inside you and you've got to
get it out and heal it." This is, in fact, the model framed by your
question -- that there's this "stuff" (the garbage) that has to be "lost,"
and how does the brain choose which stuff to lose?

Here is the model under which I operate. It comes from watching
thousands of people use this program over many years and gradually refining
the model as more info comes in so that the model more and more accurately
reflects what is actually happening. Luckily, I have a laboratory made up
of thousands of people making dramatic and rapid positive changes, and from
that we have learned a great deal about how people actually change and
become healthier emotionally.

Everyone has a threshold of what they can handle coming at them from
the world. If that threshold is exceeded, people immediately attempt to
cope with being pushed beyond it. This generally takes the form of anger,
depression, anxiety, fear, substance abuse, and a number of other
responses. In extreme cases, a person can even become psychotic (create an
alternate reality in an attempt to cope).

When people grow up with abuse or trauma of some kind, this threshold
for what they can handle coming at them does not mature in the same way it
would have had they not been traumatized. These people, therefore, have a
lower threshold than other people. Many things that might not bother
someone else push them into the above coping mechanisms. They are
ultra-sensitive, and the world is an uncomfortable (and sometimes very
painful) place for these people.

When people use our program, one of the main things that happens is
that this threshold goes up. As it does, they gain the ability to handle an
increasing level of whatever the world throws at them. For those with
extrememly low thresholds, at a certain point they bring their personal
threshold up to a "normal" level. From that point, it continues to improve
as they use the program to what you might call a "super-normal" level.
</Bill Harris quote>