Hi everyone,
I agree that different places do seem to carry different energetic resonances (as of course do people) - however, I think that to ascribe certain "feeling" energies to certain places just because you happen to always feel a certain way when you visit them could end up being a bit prescriptive. Chunyi Lin even highlights the importance of your own energy work on the Level 1 course when he talks a little about Feng Shui. Fundamentally, you can work with your own energies to amend or transform your experience and your energetic interaction with the world. What is it they always say - wherever you go in the world, you bring yourself with you.
Remember that a "feeling" already involves a subjective interpretation. And remember too, that most if not all of our subjective interpretations of life whether conscious or sub-conscious, whether communicated to us through judgements/thoughts, emotions or bodily sensations (such as the one you mention you felt in your solar plexus, OceanicHumour), these are all learnt at the end of the day - from the moment we are born in fact. We develop habits of association and, at the end of the day, quite predictable reactions to visual, audio and various other energetic stimuli.
What I find so interesting about the energy work promoted by Spring Forest Qi Gong, is that it highlights the dynamic nature of energy interactions. Everything changes, everything can be transformed. We can be sitting in pile of garbage and experience bliss or be on the top of one of the most scenic mountaintops in the world and be sinking into deep depression.
I think that both places and we ourselves, as individuals and groups, are dynamic and ever-changing. I suppose what I feel is so empowering about Chunyi Lin's message, is that we, at any moment, in any context, have the capacity to empower ourselves to react differently, to tap into a wider experience of energy, beyond ourselves, beyond the place or environment we happen to find ourselves in.