I sympathise with the lack of a call back,they always seem to respond to emails.
The Life Principles units are optional and their production is actually customer driven. It was noted that participants progressed quicker on the Centerpointe retreats. The Life Principles program aims to give some of the knowledge gained from the retreats at home. In a recent mailing Bill Harris does make it clear that participants will gain all the quoted benefits from the Holosync program without the Life Principles modules. The main benefit seems to be to accelerate change. I recently ordered the next two levels of the program as part of a recent Centerpointe promotion;the first two modules of the Life Principles program are given away as part of this promotion,so it is costing recent purchasers nothing to try the modules.
Obviously I am a strong advocate of the program,but I do agree with many of the criticisms that have been aired on this forum. The website and advertising is full of hype. I can remember years ago seeing an old ad for Centerpointe in Omni magazine. I can remember how the advert put me off even thinking about the program. It was'nt until six or seven years later that I joined the program under a friends recommendation. If the advert in Omni had not been so over-egged I would have joined up years ago.
Despite the gripes though I am very happy with my gains. After all the years of searching it is good to have found something which does make a difference.