Hi Grant and Alex:

I had never tried the Positive Relationship paraliminal until just a couple days ago - sort of a stubborn streak there that said, I don't need this - my relationships are just great! (Oh, yeah! )

Then lately I've been in a real downward spiral - one of the reasons I haven't been posting much lately - and most of the problem was that I'm feeling like I have two totally opposite type of people living in my body, and they're constantly at war with one another. One is very life-promoting, looking on the positive side, and the other was trying to "get-out-of-dodge" at the first opportunity. I think the more positive one may have been just a bit stronger, because I'm still here. So I (good part) think's - well maybe if I could learn to get along with me, perhaps then I'd be able to get along with others, and vice-versa.

So I tried the paraliminal. I've also been using Self-Esteem previous, as well as Prosperity and Sales Leap - anything to promote self-confidence and try to jar loose that part that constantly seems to sabotage the good stuff I'm working on putting in place in my life.

Things are starting to turn around. I seem to have stopped dwelling on the negative, and attempting to stay clear of situations that bring it up (although I'm also hoping to call my Mom tonight, and love her as much as I do, she just seems to be able to bring out the worst in me). BUT maybe I'll plunk down with the Relationship CD again before I call her tonight, and see if that at least gives me a bit of a break.

Anyways, what you said about yourself in this post (and been following your "integrity" one as well), brought me to my own point of looking for something "extra" that I hadn't tried before. So maybe it'll work for you - you might set the goal for "forgiveness of self" in "Side A", which is part of what I did with it. I think my inner child is just screaming to get something out, that I've been keeping bottled up for a very long time - and with Holosync also seeming to be dragging up a lot of issues I haven't been good at dealing with, I'm hoping this CD, along with the others will help the cause.

So just wanted to thank you for your recent posts, Grant, and being open enough to explore your issues here where the working out of them can also help others going through similar issues. Also to let you know I always enjoy reading your posts.
