My brother was literally reduced to whispering as a result of his 24/7 six months treatment with chemotherapy (he had stomach cancer). He also had intense radiation that just about did him in. He began doing small universe after he finished chemo and within six weeks was feeling normal. I couldn't believe how quickly he recovered his strength. He readily says that his recovery was due to his doing small universe. He continues to do small universe today, more than three years after his initial diagnosis (there is no trace of the cancer!). Perhaps if you suggest to your husband that he do the breathing we do in small universe without calling it qigong, he might be open to that. I hate to see him miss out on a powerful exercise.

I would also send him love and healing quietly and constantly. You might also send a whole lot of love to his heart. You could also do absent healing on him, especially on the discouragement by removing the cloud over his heart.
I hope there are other voices here than can help you during this tough time.
Love and healing to you!