
I think I would tend to drop a legalistic tendency to have integrity. I agree very much that life is messy. I have an aim though to move toward integrity for my own wholeness. I do healing work to move toward the goal, and do my best to be honest. You validated me on the point that integrity is difficult or many times impossible, as life is not cut plain and simple.


Funny, you're echoing others in my life. If I honestly know my truth then why can't I drop that which is not me. And I need to know that, to realize it's possible. For me it is happening as an ongoing process, to drop the false perceptions about myself. It is a messy business though, sorting and sifting. You also validated my experience of being told the 'truth' as if it were from the 'mouth of God' and being hurt in the process. Have you dropped the label of 'outcast' because that is not your truth? I don't want to reject God , I want to reject the lies. I think I still have to learn consideration myself in the way I trample others with 'the truth'. There are greater truths than our individual truths but to claim we know them about another person...that hurts.

Forgetting yourself and thinking of others, I think is not about forgetting your truth.