Dear Grant,

When one speaks of "truth," one wonders what is meant. Interestingly, when Christ was asked by Pilate at his hearing, "What is truth?" he kept silent, although on an earlier occasion, he said he was the way, the truth, and the light.

I think there are many layers to "truth." There is, as you say, "personal truth," or "subjective truth," an internal standard which one upholds and lives by because it simply fits nicely, like a favorite shirt. But just as there are many shirt sizes, so there are many "subjective truths," and one should have the freedom to live according to one's inner convictions.

There is also an "objective truth," which one might call "scientific-mathematical truth" (for lack of a better phrase). For example, the objective truths about the force of gravity or genetics or thermodynamics, etc., etc., are pretty hard to refute if one is being objective and rational. Or, 1 + 1 = 2 is a universal truth about discrete objects (as opposed to amorphous fluids), which all people in all cultures accept as true. After all, the basis of economics and the monetary system requires such a truth about addition.

A Jewish scientist may vehemently disagree with her Christian colleague about the deity of Christ, but both will readily uphold the atomic hypothesis. They would probably also agree that regardless of Christ's Messianic status, his message of love and his example of self-sacrifice are worthy of notice and emulation. We may not all agree about the theology of Christ, but we can all agree that if everyone were Christ-like, there would be heaven on earth.

Perhaps the confusion (and danger) arises when one tries to elevate "subjective truths" to the level of "objective truths." A lot of the mess in the Middle East and the motivation behind terrorism stems from this kind of confusion. So, perhaps being a person of integrity means focusing more on the objective truths that we can all embrace and agree upon, and holding more loosely those subjective truths, of which there are as many as there are people living on this planet.

Forgive me, if I am speaking in such pompous, idealogical terms. If you will offer a more concrete example of what you're struggling through, perhaps I will be able to offer a more concrete suggestion.
