Grant, when you said earlier - if I know my own truth why can't I drop what is not me? I feel that for me, when I think that I am in a position of thinking that I know my own truth, then that is when I am in fact furthest away from it. For me it would almost work conversely - when I drop what is not me, only then will the truth reveal itself. The truth is beyond "me" and what "I" want. The truth just is. I probably just confuse matters and get in the way of truth by being human, overly materialistic and a bit ignorant of the wonderfulness of life most of the time. But I suppose that's what being human's all about too.
At the moment I'm fundamentally coming around to the idea that once you let go of both your ideals (and those of others) on the one hand and also those things you fear, avoid, dislike (both about yourself and others) on the other, then you reach a point where you become more aware and alive. A space is created for an awareness which opens you up to a part inside of you which is more connected or in tune with the moment. When I am in this space I am more in a position to listen and to receive inner guidance. Otherwise I suppose it's like fixating on one thing, while missing out on the wider picture. So if you instead stop looking at one thing exclusively, you are able to appreciate the full tapestry.
So I suppose, if I had a value or ideal which I wanted to live out, how would I go about it? I would try letting go of the ideal.
Put another way, my ideal would be to live fully, with honesty, looking at myself warts and all in every moment, with compassion and forgiveness of both myself and others, in acceptance of the now. I would also never presume to know truth, but would instead focus on cultivating trust in the fact that truth does actually want to reveal itself through me, if I simply cultivate an open, forgiving and honest, frame of mind and the right circumstances for that to happen - every moment, every day.
best wishes
PS: and the idea here is that truth is already there, inside me, inside everyone (an original blessing?) - not something external or falsely conceived to be grabbed at or aspired to.