Something else I have to thank the Boundless renewal course for:


I took it as a hobby after doing the course. Bernie Saunders suggested to take any creative hobby, so my OTC mind obeyed and I found myself in a store buying the best colours and paper I could find, feeling like an excited 5-year-old.

Since then drawing has helped me in the most difficult problems. I'm not drawing anything fancy or even anything that resembles the problem. Just apples, buildings, ...anything I see. During the most difficult times I can always notice progress after drawing. If I don't draw for 2 weeks, I can feel that also. Bad feelings seem to gather in me. A couple of drawings help.

Now, OK, I may sound like an idiot, I know. But this hobby seems to put me into a different kind of trance, not like with any self-hypnosis, paraliminal or other products. It's a unique feeling. And I enjoy it.
