I truly appreciate all of your help. Wow, you are from Germany I see! Isn't it wonderful when people all over the globe come together to help one another? I went to the site that you provided.......www.earthtransitions.com and the only crystals I found on the site were the Genesa Crystals. I didn't see any Jade crystals,which I am very interested in (will have to look up the color adventurine....that's a new one to me). Now you recommended not leaving this in a room. Do do I carry one wherever I go? And putting one near my clavicle is what you recommend? I have a clavicle with a 3rd degree separation from years ago. I think putting the crystal on or near the good clavicle would be more adventageous......right? So how do you keep it near your clavicle.......attach it to a bra? Well, I have to ask......ha! I know I have lots of questions. I am very open to all possibilities.

By the way, I love the earth transition site! There is even a place for house clearing that I think would be very beneficial......and it is affordable too! And I love how everything gravitates towards helping Mother Earth and the environment. I own an environmental technologies/healthy living company and can see so much on this site that can and is benefiicial to our Earth and environment.

Thank you so much again for taking the time to guide and direct me to these sites. I love learning and exploring new possibilities!!