
Hi, PhOtOreader,
About your Holosync CDs which are so old their quality is deteriorating, I read somewhere that Centerpointe replaced a member's damaged CDs. Why not contact them and verify this. Secondly, if your CDs become scratched when you use them, try making a copy and then listening to the copy. I have copied my Awakening Prologue and so I'm not too concerned if I should accidentally scratch it. Another thought: how clean are your CDs? I use one of those plastic wet cleaner accessories in the shape of a CD player (costs $6.00 in the supermarket) when I see fingerprints or marks on a disk.

Awakening prologue is on a proper professional cd but all the cds on the levels after that are on CDR discs that's why their not as durable I think. Anyway I've being using the sonic access success cd everyday and every session I pass out and awake towards the end, no paraliminal has ever done this for me. I have not noticed any benefits as of yet though but hopefully consistent daily use will reap rewards in the weeks to come.