Well for me there have been many success in SFQ. I originally started to help pull myself back together when going through stuff I encountered doing Holosync. This was a really big discovery for me. Having done some Qigong in the past, everything else paled to what Master Lin offered in SFQ.

What is offered in Level 1 and Level 2 could take many years of reading and going through many teachers to arrive at what he offers in those two courses.
Most would never give out that much information in such a condensed form that can be used right away.

I also go through mental arguments with myself regarding SFQ but then I have something happen as an example:

The other day I went to my wife's 2nd grade class to talk to her, one of her students had a bloody nose. This is a little guy and it happens to him all the time. My wife ran out to me to get my help. So following Master Lin's instructions I had him hold up the arm, above his head, on the opposite side of the bloody nostril. The bleeding stopped in about 15 seconds when the energy channel opened up. I then had him cup the inside of each arm, part of the closing exercises of level one, and instructed him on how to take care of this in the future. He went home with a big smile.

Do I know of anyone else who could have done that, or given me the information on how to do that? No, I do not. Argument over.

You should know that SFQ is a commitment and should become part of your lifestyle if you want to reap the gains.