Hi Baba ,

Check out Master Lins book - Born a Healer.
As Jeffd says you can change your reality if you have the knowledge, trust and belief.

However the discussion point was whether science can be objective.
My answer is that everyone is subjective and everything, including science is coloured by the scientists own subjectivity. Previous experience, hopes, expectations etc always have some bearing on the results.
Most scientific studies are biased , whether to achieve something or more often to make a profit for someone.
You might argue that some tests are carried out on machines or computers but men designed the programmes so subjectivity always is inherent.

I don't discount the benefits which science has bought to our lives but I do take it with a pinch of salt.
Science may 'prove' something this year but next year that 'proof' is rebutted.
You say you wouldn't take a drug without scientific backing? Try smoking nicotine? Thalidomide? PPA? Vioxx? etc. US NIA report Oct 2003 states 7.8 million Americans killed by Organised Medicine. There are loads of cases.( I have 26 years of working with people with disabilities)

This is my answer and is of course highly subjective based on my knowledge and experience.
Your reality is probably competely different.

Love and light,