Hello Brian,

I completely agree with you evolution is necessary in this field of self-learning and that many news doors remain to be opened. I do believe you may have just managed to pry open one of these doors with your hallucinogenic formulas. Kudos to you and I mean this sincerely.

However, I also believe it is possible to open a door by picking a lock and not having to resort to brute force formulas to do the trick. It will definitely open the door but at what cost? The secret is to use the right tools and if they don’t exist invent some! If the sledgehammer is found to crack a nut it is imperative to design a thumbscrew cracker to do the job much more elegantly and effectively!

So what starting points have we got from your experience to guide us? How about different kinds of music, perhaps classical music of a certain type. Although I like your choice of didgeridoo music. I know you’ve looked at many different approaches such as holosync could this take the place of your formulas? And how about adding some techniques from the classical kitbags such as reverse breathing, timed breathing (as in Lozanov Super Learning technique). I believe with the right mixture from these you could achieve exactly what you describe perhaps not as instantly in the way you achieve but in a way that can be called on in any situation with no side effects. Did you try Spring Forest Qigong?

And finally I wanted to bring in the subject of the Neurophone technology if you’re familiar with it.
