my "don't kill yourself" alarm

Visions of Benjamin Franklin and his electrical storm key-kite experiment.

And i have yet to see scientific evidence or wide acceptance of "chi generators" ...

If you wait for Mr. Science to offer you confirmation of something as yet unrecognized, you'll be waiting a LONG time. You're going to have to rely on "experiential confirmation," I'm afraid. Mr. Science doesn't know where he is going. He confirms the existence of bona fide correlations, yes. But in my opinion, he does so without any real directed purpose. Where is Mr. Science going and why? If you want to wait for Mr. Science to tell you chi machines (or paraliminals for that matter) work, my friend, goodness, you're going to be waiting a few decades...

What is so great about the individual? He can take initiatives without the express permission of Mr. Science or Mr. Government. Be your own amateur consciousness scientist! Brain Surgery and Rocket Science may be beyond the amateur at this point, but .... this consciousness field of inquiry is SO NEW, Mr. Joe Sixpack can discover the next big thing in his basement. And it's going to stay that way until accepted institutions take notice and turn the official hardcore scientific eye toward the mind/mystic. (Paul Scheele was a Biology major for Christ's sake. Bill Harris was a marketer. I'm not even ... anything, lol.)

hallucinogenic formulas.

Syntax-Urban-Legend Error:

I don't know anyone who has ever hallucinated on a psychedelic or shamanic substance. "Psychedelic" means "Mind Manifesting" in Greek. Stupid, ego-gratifying, immature, teenager minds think they are hallucinating. They lack mind-control; thusly do they lose themselves in the dark depths of the imagination. Which is why they must stay away. 5 year olds should not drive cars.

If you want to set the record straight, read what the greatest Eastern Philosopher of all time has to say on the matter: 5 pages.

I completely agree ... many new doors remain to be opened ... I do believe you may have just managed to pry open one of these doors ... However, I also believe it is possible to open a door by picking a lock and not having to resort to brute force formulas to do the trick ... if the sledgehammer is found to crack a nut it is imperative to design a thumbscrew cracker to do the job much more elegantly and effectively! The secret is to use the right tools and if they don’t exist invent some!

EXACTLY. You are making TOTAL sense here. You are AWESOME. I've been working on a new website for what I call "amateur spiritual technolgists" to congregate and pool together their garage-level research and conclusions. The purpose? To come up with techniques that raise awareness in a finger-snap.

Open-Source Genius-Enlightenment technique. Reproducible. Pragmatic.

Kudos to you and I mean this sincerely.

Thank you.

classical kitbag ... reverse breathing and such

*A technique must work after ONE application.
*A technique must not require discipline or action on the part of the individual.
*A technique must not require belief in dubious mystical concepts.
*A technique must not use unfamiliar dubious mystical articulation.

*Results must be INSTANT.
*Results must be LASTING.
*Results must be PRAGMATIC.

Eliminate all the barriers consumer minds have to mental-spiritual evolution.

Watch it fly and spread around the world like virus.

didgeridoo and sound

*The aborigines are the oldest continuing living culture at 40,000 years.
*Consequently, they still retain knowledge of the dreamtime.
*The didgeridoo is the oldest human instrument.
*Its purpose is not musical.
*Rather, it propels the mind to higher spatial dimensions.

I have a pantheon of alternative/therapy music/sound CDs and have tinkered extensively (hundreds of hours) with the Cool Edit Pro sound editor. I considered creating my own CD of tones and noise, but ... I wanted to make this technique as accessible and reproducible as possible.

Of all the sounds on mainstream CDs, nothing raises kundalini like the didge. At least, according to my amateur research.

It rumbles and resonates with the base of the spine. When in a highly resonant psycho-acoustic state, the energy just slips on up to the brain, unhindered, no blockages, no effort, no trials, nothing. No belief required.

Neurophone technology

I'm familiar with the concept, but have never used the official machine. I made my own using a sound editor and high quality headphones placed on the forehead. The neurophone is a bit too expensive to be a candidate for mass awakening technology.

So yeah, look for another website in the very near future for amateur spiritual technology people to congregate and create new therapies that meet the above criteria.