
I am by no means saying that Kundalini work is safe, but taking it slowly is safer..

Kundalini doesn't really work like that in my opinion. Although there is a base level that is easy to handle, the higher levels are not as simple.


Because you on the way have more time to evaluate, think about things, and see the progress in more perspectives, that you are moving toward.

Once aware of the kundalini, it will change you. This progession is idetical to the natural and drug induced methods. Even though I am taking the natural route, It does not change your perspectives moreso than other routes.

And therefore you will be more in control of it over time. And as I said before, that is just how I am.

You can never 'control' the Kundalini (aside from those at the upper echelon of Kundalini), you can let it flow or not let it flow. How that flow occurs, is not up to you. Sometimes it's slow, other times it quick. Sometimes it forceful other times it's natural. Sometimes you're perfectly still, other times your body will snap into a position as you utter uncontrolable noises.

Best wishes for everybody who accomplish the things they want, and achieve their goals. That's the spirit...

Well put...

About the angry Kundalini Roy Harper, don't hope one sets against all ods one have .. Normally people are into self-help stuff to get results Roy, and not to get angry or to project anger...

You misinterpereted what I was saying, I was personifying the Kundalini (as I often do). I no way could you raised the Kundalini in anger, if you tried you would most likely feel the wrath of the Kundalini.

I have felt this wrath three times in my life, I was not raising the Kundalini in anger in fact I wasn't raising the Kundalini. It's only just recently that I've recognized those experiences as the force of Kundalini. It's not pleasant, but I survived and went on to the rewards of the Kundalini.

What you send out you recieve again, often three times and in the form of manifistation in ones lives. So it's best to wish for the best in everybody.. Because that you will attract back to yourself.

Quite Indeed.