Wow, I just wanted to say that I've read tons of your posts in here (as well as the photoreading forum) hartreefoch, and you seem to have some wonderful insight into many aspects. Seriously, I'm impressed and hope to be that well versed in these areas.
I'm certainly a dreamer, but I mean that in a way that people usually mean it when they say that some kid's got his head in the clouds. I feel that I come up with good ideas at times when I think about something because I have a knack for predicting possible outcomes.
As for lucid dreaming... not yet. I would love to be able to dream lucidly, but at this time, I think that getting more than a few hours of sleep would be a strong contributing factor to the success of that plan. Am I correct in that?
Also, I was wondering if there were any personal stumbling points you've found in your experience with lucid dreaming. An example of what I mean is how Alex said that during an OBE if you think about your body you will be pulled back.
Is there anything of the like with lucid dreaming?
Thanks for your input and sharing of your experiences.


ps- Hello Alex! I decided I should probably sign up with an account and begin contributing to these discussions! Keep up the slog! (or am I making another incorrect assumption on the use of that word?)